Major Events Fund
ChristchurchNZ attracts, hosts and invests in Major Events on behalf of the city.
Christchurch Major Events Fund
There is significant value in the contribution Major Events make to the life of the city; defining Christchurch as a destination, bringing communities together, attracting visitors, stimulating economic activity and raising our city’s profile nationally and internationally.
On behalf of the city ChristchurchNZ attracts, hosts and invests in Major Events. The Major Events Strategy sets a clear direction for the attraction and delivery of Major Events. The strategy outlines the vision, outcomes sought, responsibilities, priorities and implementation approach. The City Partners Group (CPG), with representatives from the events ecosystem, helps select a balanced portfolio of events that meets the strategy in the most effective way. The Major Events Fund has been established to support events that have the scale and reach required under the Major Events Strategy.
“Ōtautahi Christchurch will build a portfolio of major events that excites and engages our people throughout the year, while showcasing our city as an exceptional place to live, visit, and invest.” Major Events Strategy 2021
Sign up if you wish to receive updates on the Major Events Fund and other information relevant to the events industry.
Criteria For Major Event Funding
All events wishing to receive financial support from the MEF must meet all of the following criteria:
- Held in Christchurch City Council boundaries, or with the majority of benefits accruing to the city
- Open to the public to attend (accessible)
- Aligns with the City Brand Narrative (refer to text below)
- The percentage of funding you are seeking is less than 25% of the total event budget.
All events wishing to receive financial support from the MEF must also achieve at least one of the following core criteria:
- Visitation: the event generates more than 6,000 visitor nights or has 50% of its attendees from outside Christchurch or international visitors make up more than 20% of total attendees or at least 3,000 visitor nights.
- Sector Alignment: the event has clear alignment with key sectors of interest: Aerospace and Future Transport; Health Technology and Resilient Communities; Food, Fibre and Agritech; High Tech Services; Antarctica.
- Narrative and Profile: Domestic media interest or international media in key markets of interest i.e. Australia, North America, Singapore, Hong Kong, and United Kingdom and Germany. Does the event offer opportunity to profile the city beyond noting the event was held in Christchurch and are the channels wide reaching? e.g. free-to-air, or through an established social media channel.
- Community Benefit: the event creates a legacy benefit through new and beneficial infrastructure or provides otherwise untapped participation in sport, active recreation or the arts.
How To Apply
Please note that ChristchurchNZ is not currently accepting Expressions of Interest for the Major Events Fund.
Assessment for support from the Major Events Fund (MEF) administered by ChristchurchNZ on behalf of the City Partners Group is a two-stage process.
- Submission of an Expression of Interest
- An application to the Major Events Fund (if successful through stage 1)
Stage 1: The Expression of Interest process will primarily assess an event against the core criteria, detailed above. If these are met, you will then be invited to submit a full application. The criteria for the Major Events Fund and the Christchurch Major Events Strategy 2021 is clear and we strongly encourage you to read it fully, to ensure your event will comply before submitting your Expression of Interest below.
Timeframes: Applicants will typically be advised whether the Expression of Interest has been approved or declined within two weeks of submission. Those invited to apply for the Major Events Fund, will typically be advised within 6 weeks of their submission.
Please note, that the Regional Events Funding for Christchurch forms part of the Major Events Fund for the city, and the same criteria and process applies. Note contracts are with ChristchurchNZ on behalf of the city, and investments in events are subject to our terms and conditions, availability of funds and agreed activity-related event contracts.

Christchurch Major Events Fund - Expression Of Interest Form
Please complete the Expression Of Interest Form.
City Brand Narrative
Major events give us the opportunity to positively promote Ōtautahi Christchurch to local, domestic, and international audiences.
Events that are funded are expected to be in line with and support the city brand narrative.
Learn more about the city brand narrative.
Supporting Documents
Please find attached our frequently asked questions and T&C's to help you with your expression of interest form.
Have A Question?
For all questions pertaining to the Major Events Fund please contact us.