Compared to other major centres in New Zealand, Christchurch is known for its dry, stable and temperate weather.
Find out more here.
- 22°C / 71F 12°C / 53F
- Summer & Winter Average Temperature
- 2143
- Sunshine Hours Per Year
- 648mm
- Rainfall Average Per Year
- 23°C / 73F 14°C / 57F
- Summer & Winter Average Temperature
- 2060
- Sunshine Hours Per Year
- 1240mm
- Average Rainfall Per Year
- 20°C / 68F 9°C / 48F
- Summer & Winter Average Temperature
- 2025
- Sunshine Hours Per Year
- 1249mm
- Average Rainfall Per Year
Canterbury’s climate is known for how mild it is - and famous for its ability to offer you the beauty of all four seasons. The Garden City of Christchurch and it’s region of Canterbury, offers filmmakers an off-season destination, just in time delivery for Northern hemisphere markets. Our ability to mimic most foreign film destinations is second to none - definitely a film-friendly location you can rely on.
Spring (September - November)
- 16-19°C 61-66F
- Average Daytime Temp
Summer (December - February)
- 20 - 25°C 68 - 77F
- Average Daytime Temp
Autumn (March - May)
- 17 - 21°C 62 - 70F
- Average Daytime Temp
Winter (June - August)
- 12 - 16°C 53 - 71F
- Average Daytime Temp
See what the seasons look like in our galleries below.